Spend time on your customer. Not on your software.
Business simplified
One can find lot of Point Of Sale (POS) applications available. Some of them are free and some of them are expensive. Some POS systems works only with single instance or single store. Some application is meant for some specific purpose. iSalePoint didn't want to be one among the list of POS applications. It is a Open source Point of Sale application, with features that every store needs. And it is FREE..!!
Why iSalePoint is different from other Point of Sale systems ?
iSalePoint is 100% java application. So, it can run on any platform where java can be run. Download one package and run on any platform. If you have barcode devices that works on on Windows XP platform, you can use iSalePoint without any issue. If you want to reduce the cost on basic infrastructure and hence decided to use Linux platform, iSalePoint will work there too.
This application uses MySQL database to store its data. It is designed to work in a single store environment as well as dsitributed environment. For detailed list of feature, goto FEATURES.